Estate and Trust Taxation & Litigation Strategy
Since Mr. Lehman’s early days in the Internal Revenue Service as an estate and trust specialist, he has continued an active estate and trust practice. South Florida is a fertile field for the many tax issues that arise due to the need for tax planning involving multi-million dollar estates and resolving the inter family contests that often arise when substantial fortunes are involved.
This sophisticated estate tax planning has made the appropriate use of almost every tax planning tool ranging from private annuities to limited partnerships, charitable trusts and foundations and the like and trusts of all sorts. This has resulted in the savings of millions of tax dollars on behalf of his clients.
Insofar as the probate controversies, Mr. Lehman has resolved several major cases in the South Florida area for very well known affluent clients. These are cases that involved large sums of money and inter family strife that often leads to years of protracted and expensive litigation, unless treated properly.
Due to this significant experience and knowledge of both the law and the human dynamics of such cases, Mr. Lehman has successfully brought many to a speedy resolution and short-circuited years of expensive and emotionally draining litigation.